
Daniela Gloor and Hanna Meier, sociologists
Social Insight, Ltd.
Research, Evaluation, Consultation
Unterdorfstrasse 18
CH-5107 Schinznach-Dorf

Tel. +41 56 443 15 14
Fax +41 56 443 15 12
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«Social Insight – Research, Evaluation, Consultation» is an independent Social Research Institute in Switzerland. The institute was founded in 1997 by the two sociologists Daniela Gloor, PhD, and Hanna Meier, PhD. Specialized in the empirical and theoretical fields of gender, violence, equality, health, education and employment Social Insight works in commission for Swiss Federal Offices, municipalities, private organizations and NGOs.

Social Insight was instrumental in developing the canton-wide intervention project «Halt-Gewalt» in Basle, Switzerland, addressing violence in partnerships, and has been responsible for the scientific basis and the monitoring of its interventions. As project leaders Daniela Gloor and Hanna Meier have been involved in several National Research Programmes (NRP) of the Swiss National Research Foundation (SNF), such as Violence in Everyday-Life (NRP 40, 1996–2001), Changes in the Way of Life and Social Security (NRP 29, 1991–95) and Impacts of State Actions (NRP 27, 1990–94). Within the EU COST-A4 Action they coordinated the Swiss participation of the Research Network on Social Shaping of Telematics and Rural Development. Social Inisght is a partner institution of the EU-project «Co-ordination Action on Human Rights Violations» (CAHRV, 2004–2007). Publications in 2008 and 2009 include research results in the domain of housing (new forms in co-housing of elderly people; people with mental problems and assisted living) and in the domain of interpersonal violence (police’s investigation accounts on intimate partner homicides – a qualitative study).

Research project (2010–2014): «Domestic violence interventions from the victims' perspective»
The public stance on domestic violence has changed from taboo to intervention. Today, victims of domestic violence receive support from advice centres, the police, legal authorities, the health care system and other institutions. However, it is not known how appropriate and efficient the new interventions are. This project focuses on the perspective of the affected persons.

Summary Report

Daniela Gloor, Hanna Meier (2014): «My hopes for the future: Just a normal life.» How victimised women experience intervention in partner violence. Summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations. A research study in the context of national research program 60 „Gender equality“. Translation: Renate Klein. Social Insight, Schinznach-Dorf. Download: 22 Seiten, Pdf

Publications available in English:

Gloor Daniela, Meier Hanna (2022): Community Matters: A Metastudy on the Prevetnion of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence. Study Commssioned by Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. Download

Andrea Zimmermann, Diana Baumgarten, Luzia Knobel, Daniela Gloor, Hanna Meier (2021): Gender relations in the Swiss cultural sector. A qualitative and quantitative analysis focusing on cultural practitioners, institutions and associations (results from the preliminary study). Commissioned by Pro Helvetia and the Swiss Centre for Social Research. Centre for Gender Studies, University of Basel. Download

Gloor Daniela, Meier Hanna (2020): Does online counselling provide better access to victim services? Insights and reflections from a Swiss pilot evaluation. In: Journal of Gender-Based Violence, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 123–131. Download

Gloor Daniela, Meier Hanna (2016): Violence against women – an indicator of gender equality?! In: Liebig Brigitte, Gottschall Karin, Sauer Birgit (Hrsg.) Gender Equality in Context. Policies and Practices in Switzerland. Barbara Budrich Publishers, Opladen, Berlin, Toronto, S. 63–86.

Daniela Gloor, Hanna Meier (2014): «My hopes for the future: Just a normal life.» How victimised women experience intervention in partner violence. Summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations. A research study in the context of national research program 60 „Gender equality». Translation: Renate Klein. Social Insight, Schinznach-Dorf. Download

D. Gloor, H. Meier (2014): ‘Clouds darkening the blue marital sky’ – How language in police’s reports (re)constructs intimate partner homicides. In: R. Klein (ed.): Framing sexual and domestic violence through language. Palgrave-Macmillan.

D. Gloor, H. Meier (2013): Intimate Partner Violence and Alcohol. Frequency of dual problematic, patterns and consultation services (executive summary; comprehensive report in German and French). Research commissioned by the Federal Office of Public Health FOPH. Download

D. Gloor, H. Meier (2013): «PROTECT II Seminars» – Evaluation Report. On behalf of WAVE, European Network «Women Against Violence Europe», and Austrian Women's Shelter Networt, applicant and project leader of PROTECT II. Daphne-Programme, European Commission.

D. Gloor, H. Meier (2012): Assessing the severity of domestic violence. Sociological background report. Sociological considerations regarding the stipulation by the Federal Supreme Court that spousal violence must be "of a certain intensity" in order to qualify as important personal reasons for the independent right of residence in Switzerland within the meaning of Art. 50 para 2 of the Federal Act on Foreign Nationals (FNA) (Ausländergesetz AuG). download

Gloor Daniela, Meier Hanna (2011): Culture and Ethnicity in (Re-)constructing Domestic Homicides. In: Thiara Ravi K., Condon Stephanie A., Schröttle Monika (eds.): Violence against Women and Ethnicity: Commonalities and Differences across Europe. Barbara Budrich Publishers, Opladen, Berlin, Farmington Hills, p. 399–413.

Gender Equality Office Zurich (2008): The Project «Domestic Violence – perception – intervention» in the Maternité Women's Clinic, City Hospital Triemli, Zurich. Project summary. (Patient's survey carried out by D. Gloor and H. Meier). Download

Hagemann-White Carol (2008): Gendering Human Rights Violations: The case of interpersonal violence. Coordination Action on Human Rights Violations (CAHRV). Final Report 2004–2007. With Daniela Gloor (Switzerland), Jalna Hanmer (UK), Jeff Hearn (Finland), Catherine Humphreys (UK), Liz Kelly (UK), Rosa Logar (Austria), Manuela Martinez (Spain), Corinne May-Chahal (UK), Irina Novikova (Latvia), Keith Pringle (Denmark), Ralf Puchert (Germany), Monika Schröttle (Germany). Download

Gloor Daniela, Meier Hanna, Hanmer Jalna (2006): Agencies and evaluation of good practice: domestic violence, rape and sexual assault. Final Report. Zürich and Sunderland. In Co-operation with Maria Eriksson (Sweden), Birgitt Haller (Austria), Barbara Kavemann (Germany), Lucyna Kirwil (Poland), Rosa Logar (Austria), Jo Lovett (UK), Ravi K. Thiara (UK). download

D. Gloor, H. Meier (2004): Towards good practices and evaluation addressing domestic violence in health care. Presentation at the first CAHRV-conference (Coordination Action on Human Rights Violations), Osnabrück, 23th–25th September 2004. download

Gloor Daniela und Meier Hanna (2000): A River Revitalization Seen Through the Lens of Local Community Members. In: Visual Sociology: Visual Cultures – Visual Literacies, International Visual Sociology Association, Vol. 15, p. 119–134.

Meier Hanna (1998): Introducing Telematics in a Rural Area in Switzerland. In: Hetland Per, Meier-Dallach Hans-Peter (ed.): Domesticating the World Wide Webs of Information and Communication Technology, COST social sciences, Vol. 7, p. 101–124.

Gloor Daniela (1998): A Methodological Step across the Border – Experiences of a Visual Approach to Images of Technology. In: Hetland Per, Meier-Dallach Hans-Peter (ed.): Domesticating the World Wide Webs of Information and Communication Technology, COST social sciences, Vol. 7, p. 217–243.

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